Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bye Bye Binki

I don't want to count my chickens before they've hatched but I think we might be done with the binki! I've been wanting to get rid of Mason's binki for a while now but could never work up the courage to take it away. For a long time now he has only used it during naps and bedtime, but his sleep habits were so good that I didn't want to mess with a good thing by taking his binki away. But, I thought it would be good for it to disappear before baby comes. So a few days ago a went to go put Mason down for his usual nap and he threw the binki out of his crib. Signaling to me he didn't want to take a nap. I gave it back to him and he threw it out again so I said, "ok no binki then" and said "night night". Surprisingly he laid down and went to sleep. So, I thought, man that was easier than I thought it was going to be. He went to bed fine that night without it too. Then the next day he cried for an hour when I put him down for a nap so I finally went and got him and tried putting him down a 1/2 hour later but he cried for a while again so no nap for Mason. I cannot remember the last time Mason didn't take a nap so by 5:30 that night he was spent. He was sitting on my lap watching TV waiting for Dad to get home from work when suddenly I noticed out of the corner of my eye he kept leaning further and further forward, then his eyelids started to get very heavy and and finally closed. The poor kids was just all tuckered out. I couldn't help from laughing so hard tears came. This woke him slightly but he couldn't keep his eyes open and went right back into a deep sleep. It was so sweet having him sleep on me especially after such a traumatic afternoon. Mason has not fallen asleep on me for a very long time. I just held him until his dad got home so he could witness this miraculous event. When he woke up we cut the nipple off his binki and we gave it to him and told him it was broken. He seemed to understand and took one long last look at it then we had him throw it in the trash. He has gone to sleep fine for us since. Lets cross our fingers it stays this way. I'm so happy to have gotten past this parenting hurdle I have been dreading for so long.


ken said...

Oh that is such a precious picture! I would've just stayed and let him sleep too.

Kevin Sagers said...

haha when i first read that title i thought it said bye bye bikini, and i thought, wow, megan is still wearing a bikini at this point? then i thought, megan doesnt wear bikinis. then i thought, its winter. why would anyone be wearing a swim suit in the winter? im gonna read that title again. it all made sense shortly after.
love you guys!!!

The Brown's said...

That is such a sweet picture! I felt that is was just as hard on Josh and I as it was for our kids to get rid of their binkies. You feel so bad for them but you know its best in the end. Good Luck!

Karrissa Winward said...

That is awesome! Way to go Mason. We just switched to having McKinley only use hers at naps and bedtime so we need to take it away completely too! Let me know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Wow! He did pretty good. Most people say it takes them at least a week to take it away. I am going to have to do that to Brinlee with her bottle. Those pictures are cute. Don't you love when they fall asleep on you?

Lila said...

How funny that you posted this. For the past three days I have been considering making a post to ask people for suggestions. Maddy is so attached to her binki and I am afraid to take it but think it is time. It was so easy with Avery but I am struggling to lay down the law with Madelyn. Just stick it out I say. We are on day two of no bottles for Madelyn and sometimes I just want to give in because it would be so easy just to hand her a bottle and let her go on her way but I know that will only make matters worse. Good luck.

Growin' Like Weeds said...

Cute pics and congrats!!
You watch, he'll start talking alot more and Better now :o)

The Sagers Family said...

Good luck Lila,
I have to admit this was harder for me to part with than it was for him. But once I took it away once I had to commit to it. I started by having him leave it in his crib for naps and bedtime only. Then a few months later I took it away all together. I really think having him see it was broken and throw it in the trash himself helped him to understand.

Lindsey Lee said...

you WILL get through it!! That was tough to do with Owen too but hey, they grow out of it and life goes on without the binki. Good luck and don't forget to take naps every time Mason does! You are lookin hot mama!

Lance and Becky said...

Yay for Mason! I did the same thing to Lance with the baba, and it was really hard, but he's just fine now, and it only took a few days, and then he forgot all about it! Good job!

Mandy said...

haha, i htought your title said bye bye bikini too. :)
im nervous to take away dylans binkin. he only gets it for nap and bedtime (and special occasions like being in the hosptial) i am having a hard time of deciding when i should just do it and get of it. im going to have to try your trick of cutting the nipple and having him throw it away. :)

Julie T. said...

Yesterday we saw Alan at Cafe Rio- I wished you were there with him! It has been a really long time since we have seen you! You look really cute in the pics:)

Matt and Amanda said...

Getting rid of the Binki is a sad day but you are so smart to do it before little sister arrives! Treyvan was obsessed with his. He even tried to put three in his mouth at the same time!

Amber said...

isn't it such a hard thing to do?? I was so terrified to take it from brooklynn it was her FAVORITE thing in the whole world. One day I just took it and she NEVER cried over it, not once. I couldn't believe it. I hope it stays that way for you. Good for you!