Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

First I wanted to congratulate Lauren on not only graduating H.S. but being a valedictorian!  What an accomplishment :)
I wanted to wish the three father's in my life a Happy Father's Day!  Each of them are great men in my life and one thing I love about them all is how they love and play with my kids.  I'm so glad I have such great examples for Mason & Shay to look up to.
Alan's Dad
My Dad.  (this was such a sweet moment this weekend when my dad wanted to nap with Shay...that is her in the hot dog roll with her hair bow and little red toes sticking out)  
In case you were curious how Shay styles her swimwear :) thanks to Aunt Karen and Laura for supplying her with her first swimsuit.

I might have painted her tiny little toes this weekend.  I can't stop looking at them.  They bring a whole new attitude to my little woman.
Shay at the pool this weekend
Mason boxing with his cousin's hulk hands.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

So SWEET in Yellow ToDaY...

Just a few photos

I try to take a picture of Shay almost every day to remember her cute outfits and how much she changes. Here are a few recent ones.